Friday, 31 January 2014

How to reduce the page loading time of website

Page loading time is obviously an important part of any website’s user experience and selling factor. And many times we’ll let it slide to accommodate better aesthetic design, new nifty functionality or to add more content to web pages. But website will not lead you to profitability untill you redesign and revamp your website to reduce loading time with code optimization and other on page tactics.

Tests done at Amazon  revealed that for every 100ms increase in load time, sales would decrease 1%.

 Pingdom Tool ,presented visitor loss graph :

I have illustrated these points to reduce website loading time.

1. Image optimization: 

Optimize images according to need. Large & different file format increase loading time.
eg-   1- When you are working with logo you should use GIF format.
         2- When you are working with large and heavy files you should use JPEG format.

2.Compressed and Optimize Content:  

Content directly attached with the keyword if they are not optimize loading time increases. You can also compress your content using HTTP compression.

3.Minimize HTTP Request: 

Avoid multiple type of content in web pages. When we are requesting a new page, most of the time spent in downloading images, script, video and stylesheet. So minimize HTTP requests for images through CSS sprites.

4.Reduce 301Redirect:  

Don’t use again and again 301 redirect. It redirects the search engine to a new URL and increase loading time.

5. Place for Style sheet Reference: 

Put stylesheet references to the top <HEAD> tag. Page loaded faster because stylesheet rendering progressively.

6. JavaScript and CSS file in External File:

If javascript and css are directly in HTML file, then they download every time user request.
So avoid this and put these files in external files.

Few facts about website load time

1. If an e-commerce site is making $100,000 per day, a 1 second page delay could potentially cost you $2.5 million in lost sales every year.

2. 51% of mobile internet users say that they’ve encountered a website that crashed, froze, or received an error. »tweet«

3. 40% of people abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load.

4. A 1 second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Need of Website Redesigning

Need of Website Redesigning

In today’s age, getting an online success for any business has become very fundamental in which a professional and attractive website plays a significant role. Having a website and a good web layout is not noticeable but maintaining it up-to-date with latest technology is also important and it is only possible through redesigning of website.
If your existing website has lost the visual charm, if its functionality is fallacious as per market prominence. The existing website should be an appropriate preacher for your business, implanting trust and poise in clients.

1- To make it mobile-friendly

You need to make sure your website can be viewed on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smart phones. By incorporating responsive design into your new website, you’ll be assured of reaching a larger audience than you would with a website that’s not mobile-friendly.

2- Social media Enforces Redesigning:  

  Social media is a superb source of getting traffic and visitors. The wider your social network the wider the range of visitors and traffic. Spread your social net widely and focus on the inspiration, not the industry: it's better to follow interesting people from other creative fields than follow dullards just because they're designers.

3- Make up to date: 

  The web is always changing. You have to up to date from web technology. A fresh design and content may attract the users. So be updated in web world. With a website redesigning you can take advantage of the latest technology that web-savvy users expect.

4- Rebranding enforces Redesigning: 

   The foundation of your brand is your website, website designing and portfolio.  Your brand strategy is how, what, where, when and to whom you plan on communicating and delivering on your brand messages. Where you advertise is part of your brand strategy. Your distribution channels are also part of your brand strategy. And what you communicate visually and verbally is part of your brand strategy, too. 

5- New Functionality Needed Redesigning:

 Every time new things are on the way and you have to publish them on your website. Redesigning always continue due to updating portfolio, image gallery, jobs, carriers and advertising.

Friday, 10 January 2014

Animate photo in after effect

How to animate photos in after effect

Flash is major tool to enhance visual impact and popularity of your business website. Lots of the people detect content present through flash, animation and movies extremely interesting than usual way of describing things through language or text. Flash makes you website more interesting and entertaining.

 Style and quality are our professional Website Design India credo that ensures ongoing success and progress of your business.Designing is the most effective aspect in website creation and designing attract users. hire dedicated designer to make more traffic on your website. 

Check out below how to animate photos in After Effects:


Flash animation is one of the major areas of our expertise. Your scanning at this website will give you a better understanding of our innovative potential. You will experience our creativity & professionalism with the maximum return on investment. Coding Brains have a team of highly skilled Flash Application Developers with hands on experience in delivering quality Flash designs. 

Coding Brains Provides:

  • Flash website design
  • Flash photo galleries
  • Flash animated logo designs
  • Flash animation
  • Flash introduction
  • Flash presentation
  • Flash scripting
  • Pictorial presentation